Equine talent courtesy Double DD Ranch, Cumberland, Ontario. Enjoy. ~ rox
Musical inspiration 'Just Another Day' by Brian Eno
Equine talent courtesy Double DD Ranch, Cumberland, Ontario. Enjoy. ~ rox
Musical inspiration 'Just Another Day' by Brian Eno
driving...music..and poetry...robert frost's the road not taken...enjoy. ~ rox
(musical inspiration 'inspection check 1 by leftism and varied by loco locass)
“There is a point where in the mystery of existence contradictions meet; where movement is not all movement and stillness is not all stillness; where the idea and the form, the within and the without, are united; where infinite becomes finite, yet not” ~ Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941)
(musical inspiration 'Angelus' by Libera)
(musical inspiration Rock Me Amadeus by Falco)
In This video, CPDRC inmates of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center, Cebu, Philippines move to the music of SoulJa Boy & MC Hammer's U Can't Touch This.
"Inmates at the CPDRC are required to go through a workout regimen. While the goal is to keep the body fit in order to keep the mind fit, such may not actually happen if it is not done in a manner deemed pleasurable. Music, being the language of the soul, is added to that regimen. "~ Speak out: The CPDRC experience by Byron F. Garcia, Consultant on Security, Cebu Provincial Government .
On on another note, I once filmed the Huntsville, Texas Prison Rodeo (Maximum Security) for a local PBS TV show. Tammy Wynette was the star attraction.
Reflections on the human condition. ~ rox
Rouen, France 2008
Bravo! Good fun! Love the continuity. congrats! ~ rox
Pretty graphic sound bite Buffy...This was my 1st pumpkin carving...tame...no?
Maybe the Pumpkin Simulator? (thanks to Kathy Ostman-Magnusen's link)
cheers ~ rox
inspired by nature's art happening & Fergie's song Losing Ground... enjoy your moments. (they don't call us the Great White North 4 nothing...smile) ~rox
beyond parameters, darkness, space, depth, the abyss,
there is an abundance of light. ~ rox
what music do u feel would be a good match for this video?
Saturday, August 2nd, 2008
Ottawa- Observations at Petrie Island
Colours, camouflage, movement, textures, lines, spots, sound, lighting, reflections, scent and tasting rasberries and blueberries...Leopard frog, green frog, bullfrog, hare...living beauty. ~rbf